AHA Healthcare IT Database

Contains responses from over 3,300 hospitals on technology adoption and other key IT indicators


Now in its 15th year, conducted in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator (ONC)

This annual survey gathers data that informs policymakers, providers, researchers and vendors on health IT adoption, tools and trends.

Healthcare IT data from over 3,300 hospitals on technology adoption, tools, trends

Find the latest on:

  • EHR vendor satisfaction and plans to change vendors
  • Key domains of interoperability
  • Barriers to interoperability
  • Patient engagement technology
  • Electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS)

New data available:

  • Information-sharing practices with external hospitals or systems
  • Use of external social determinants screening tools
  • Hospital collection of patient social needs data from outside entities
  • The exchange and integration of patient health information with external hospitals and health systems
  • Next-generation EHR utilization via AI/machine learning

Check out the AHA Annual Survey Information Technology Questionnaire

ONC Brief: Interoperable Exchange of Patient Health Information Among U.S. Hospitals: 2023

ONC Data Brief

Interoperable Exchange of Patient Health Information Among U.S. Hospitals: 2023

Discover how the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology uses AHA Data in this ONC Data Brief to report on the breadth of electronic information exchange between hospitals and other providers across the care continuum and how often clinicians in these hospitals routinely use this information at the point of care.



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